about me
I strive to create a positive impact on the world around me.
chinese by ethnicity, japanese by nationality, and born and raised in singapore at an american school, i currently call duke university my home. there, i am a senior studying computer science, statistics, and pursuing the innovation and entrepreneurship certificate.

growing up with a twin sister, i learned from a young age that my every action made an impact on others; if that was the case, i wanted to make a positive impact on the world. towards the end of high school, i had the opportunity to work in bd/growth at abillion, in which i fell in love with the passionate people, mission-driven work, and the impact i could make from day one.
from then on, i worked various roles in different sectors - data science @abillion, biz intelligence @zesttee, growth @kunduz , and influencer marketing @magical – all with the hope of improving people's lives around the world. i've also helped individuals like @kylefilipowski build their own brands to assist them in further fostering meaningful connections, amplifying their influence, and achieving sustained success.
i hope to integrate my analytical skills, interest in growth, and love of constant learning to my future work. i am excited to be going into consulting post-grad and continue to look out for ways to controbiute my skills and insights to the dynamic fields of social media marketing, growth, and product management.
outside of school/work, i am an passionate content creator, dedicated fitness-enthusiast, avid foodie, and aspiring world-traveler.